Blog Posts

  • What is Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration?

    You’ve been diagnosed with hypertrophic olivary degeneration. Now what? Well, first things first, you probably want to practice saying this out loud a few dozen times to get it right. Let me tell you, it’s a mouthful. It’s fate’s funny little joke. Give a rare brain disease a ridiculous name that almost no one can…

  • Building Community Isn’t a One-Man Job

    By Chris Coates, HODA Founder and Board President I have some things that weigh on me. Things I want to talk about. I feel that putting it out into the ether, whether relatable or not, will assist me in finding answers to the questions that the issues pose.  Such as, at what point does sharing our…

  • Who Else is Sick and Tired of All This Advocacy?

    By Chris Coates, HOD Founder and Board President Are you getting ready to mute me from your life because you are sick and tired of hearing about rare disease, brains, patient organizations, or any combination of these? Can you imagine how sick and tired I am of talking about it? Do you know what is worse than…


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