Erin’s HOD Story: Drastic Life Changes After A Stroke

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Erin’s HOD Story: Drastic Life Changes After A Stroke

An interview with Erin Loughran

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An Interview with an HOD Hero Check out and subscribe to Erin’s blog at :

8 responses to “Erin’s HOD Story: Drastic Life Changes After A Stroke”

  1. Nadi Bajda Avatar
    Nadi Bajda

    Erin, Thank you so much for sharing your story. I don’t even give my muscle movements and conversation abilities a thought to not be there for me, and you work very hard every day to make it work. You are on my mind and I hope I can come and visit you soon. Love, Nadi

    1. Erin Loughran Avatar

      Thank you, Nadi. It is challenging!

    2. Carol McLean Avatar
      Carol McLean

      I have just found this site. My husband now 86 has been living with HOD dx for 23 years. He was a very successful General Practioner with surgical residency, he had to stop working in 2000. We were unable to find resources then and actually found the diagnosis our selves after hours of research, carried it to the medical center, they seemed to have adopted it. We were not offered many if any options….maybe because of lack of knowledge. He experienced no brain event that we are aware of, symptoms developed over time….wheel chair bound now with all the complications of immobility for over 20 years. Unilateral, although now the other side is not good either….have gone throught all the symptoms with mobility, speech, swallowing, heart problems,etc. Wondering if anyone else has lived this long with HOD….

      1. admin Avatar

        Hi, Carol!

        There is an HOD support group on Facebook. Please come and join us! If you are not on Facebook and don’t want to join, email us at

        The HODA Team

  2. Nancy Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your story. It is so important for all of us to be aware of the challenges people with different neurological diagnoses face on a daily basis. Your bravery is an inspiration for all.
    Nancy Dusing
    (Highschool friend of your mom)

  3. Jan Martin Avatar
    Jan Martin

    Erin – you are a Super Hero! Great interview. You will forever be an awesome teacher, even if your subject changes.
    Prayers for all of you – was that Katie Couric interviewing you? Great voice!


    1. Erin Loughran Avatar

      Wow so nice of you to say! Thanks, Jan.

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